Olympic Park, London

In 2008 TEP was commissioned, via LDA Design, to produce the Olympics Mode, Management and Maintenance Plan for the Olympic Parklands and Public Realm, to support the planning application for these areas during the 2012 games themselves.

TEP staff worked with the design team and liaised with the ODA. The plan was informed by various strategies and action plans including the illustrative masterplans, planting strategies, water management strategy, crowd flow strategy and biodiversity action plan.

The main management objectives for the parkland were derived from the aims to increase biodiversity, community involvement, healthy living and sustainability.

Monitoring targets were identified to reflect these objectives such as numbers of nesting sandmartins and kingfishers, number of school visits or events, responses to issues raised by the local community and number of times community involved in management operations.

TEP was also involved in producing the management statement for the Design and Access Statement.