Category: Land Management

Invasive Species in the UK

Britain has seen the introduction of over 2,000 species of plants and animals from various parts of the globe. While …

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TEP’s Landscape Managers Qualify as Green Flag Award Judges

TEP’s Land Management team is delighted to announce that five additional colleagues are now Green Flag Award judges. Congratulations to …

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Navigating The New Biodiversity Net Gain Landscape

In a monumental move towards ecological sustainability, significant changes in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) legislation are set to come into …

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South Kesteven District Council – Open Space, Sports and Recreation Study 

South Kesteven District Council has appointed The Environment Partnership (TEP) to produce an Open Space, Sports and Recreation Study and …

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Delivering Environmental Resilience & Sporting Quality

TEP has strong environmental, landscape and ecological skills, and since its inception we have promoted the sustainable design and management …

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Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)

10-15% of non-native species established in the UK cause significant adverse impacts, such as disrupting habitats and ecosystems, as well …

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Simonswood Moss Peatland Restoration

TEP has been commissioned to develop a strategy for the ongoing habitat management at Simonswood Moss, Kirkby. TEP is working …

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Congratulations to Sam Marshall CMLI

Congratulations to TEP’s Landscape Manager Sam Marshall, who has recently passed his Landscape Institute (LI) exam to become a Chartered …

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Blaby Parks & Open Spaces Strategy

Blaby District Council has appointed The Environment Partnership (TEP) to produce an update of the 2012 Parks and Open Spaces …

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What Do Landscape Managers Do?

Landscape Managers consider both the natural and designed landscapes focusing on the environmental, social, cultural and economic factors so that everyone can get the most out of their greenspace, whatever it may be.

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Telford & Wrekin Council Play, Recreation & Open Space Needs Assessment

Telford and Wrekin Council has appointed The Environment Partnership (TEP) to produce a Play, Recreation and Open Space Needs Assessment. …

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Joe Ashton becomes a Technician Member of the Landscape Institute (TMLI)

Congratulations to TEP’s Landscape Manager Joe Ashton, who has recently passed his assessment to become one of the very first …

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