TEP Puts TreePlotter Through Its Paces

Tree Plotter Tree Surveys

TEP’s Arboriculturists are thoroughly impressed with the capabilities of their brand new TreePlotter system, after completing their biggest tree survey (so far) using it. Three intrepid explorers (Robin Grimes, Heather Eilbeck and Jonathan Smith) each braved the elements and spent a full week in the depths of British countryside, surveying for mile after mile over tricky terrain to capture tree data.

Our Arboriculturists were able to survey and map the area with relative ease, which consisted of 539 trees, 293 groups, 11 woodlands and 26 hedgerows. A project like this would usually take between 7-14 days to collate and plot the data manually but using TreePlotter, it has allowed for rapid real-time mobilisation, accurate GPS plotting and the option of a virtual walk-through for the client.

The addition of TreePlotter to TEP’s arsenal shows just how adaptable and forward-thinking our Arboriculturists are and the benefits they can realise for their clients. Here’s to many more years of digital tree plotting and furthering the profession!